Sunday, August 16, 2015

Number 3's First Gift

I want to preface this post with a warning: Although I'm not technically pregnant, I am anticipating the arrival of another child, so I feel fully entitled to be hormonal and sappy and moody and just be feeling ALL THE FEELS. So, I am no longer going to be held responsible for the sappiness level on this page. Read on if you think you can take it...

Kiddo #3 got his or her first present today. 

My sweet mom met me and Kate for lunch today while our boys were golfing, and she gave me these precious little shirts she found for her new grandson or granddaughter to wear when we are in China. (And NO, we are not adopting two kids...she made sure to get both a pink or a blue since we are not selecting a gender. See my last post for more specifics...) 

When I got home and looked at these little shirts, it hit me that there is a baby on the other side of the world, probably lying completely alone in an orphanage crib, who has no idea that his or her family is already completely in love. These teeny little shirts will be the child's first possession. EVER. He or she will be given to us in China with merely the clothes on his back and anything we send over in a care package. Tonight, as that baby sleeps, there is not a single thing to call his. 

[Oh, hey ugly cry.]

But not anymore. Half a world away, his or her family is already loving and spoiling and praying for that little baby. I cannot wait to show you all that precious little face who I have no doubt will be ROCKIN' this Texas tee next year.


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