Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September Goals


Ahhhh, one of my absolute favorite months of the year.

School is starting again, college football is coming back (WHOOP!), life goes back to a somewhat predictable routine, bed times get earlier (ALL the praise hands), pumpkin everything comes out on the shelves, and the heat at least minimally decreases...some days. ;) 

With all the positives that happen in September, I'll be honest. September can be incredibly overwhelming as a parent. There are new teachers and new routines to get used to, and that is typically met (at least from my kids) with some resistance. We are trading lazy days at home with no schedule and too many popsicles for an early bedtime and learning the alphabet...it's hard to blame them for protesting!

(This made me LOL.)

This September is different for me. In addition to all the change for my kids, I'm starting a part-time job teaching at my children's preschool AND we are in the thick of a home study for our adoption. So, last night I made a list of my goals for the month...and I thought I'd share them here more for accountability than anything. (Oh, and don't mind the coffee stain. It's fine. It may have been my fifth cup of the day, but it's fine.)

We have only TWO...TWO, y'all...outstanding pieces of paperwork left before we can submit our packet to our social worker and schedule a home visit to wrap up the home study process. WA-FREAKING-HOO! It has been absolutely insane few weeks of gathering the list of 25+ documents we needed for this. This is big, y'all...big step here. 

We are planning a t-shirt fundraiser through Booster for October, and we need to finalize the design. We plan to launch October 1, so stay tuned for details! I am THRILLED at the idea we came up with for this!

As I mentioned in my last post, we are still working on the medical needs checklist...continued prayers for us there as we seek out my cousin (a pediatrician) for wisdom and guidance here.

Pray...every day, every hour, nearly every minute, I fight the urge to feel overwhelmed and give up in all of this. It's just sometimes too much for me. The money, the time, the paperwork, the thought of parenting THREE KIDS...but I know that we are being guided, prayed for, and led here, so I continually pray for God to be in total control here as we move forward. It is a daily, hourly prayer of mine...that HE be in the driver's seat and not me. I have to remind myself all the time that we wouldn't be here without his leading and that I need to trust in that. And, more importantly, trust in HIM. 

And lastly, we are somehow going to pull off a garage sale fundraiser the last weekend of the month. Several of our friends and family members have donated items to this for us, so it will be quite large...and full of "treasures" as my dad calls them. :) If you're local and have items you'd like to contribute, shoot me an email and I'm happy to come pick them up! 

Thank you all for continuing to journey this with us...


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