Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday Musings: An Adoption Update

Moment of silence,'s Monday. AGAIN. Why does this keep happening?!! 

Kidding. Kinda. ;) 

Okay, SO, I have a few things to share today regarding our adoption and possible timeline. There are still LOTS of question marks and variables, but we had a long talk with the Matching Coordinator on Friday, so I wanted to share a little bit about what I learned. 

First, we are officially LOGGED IN to the CCCWA! Translation: our dossier made it to China, and as of last Friday, it is in the hands of the Chinese government and has been added to their international adoption database. That means we are OFFICIALLY in the system and the US side of our dossier is complete! Now, the Chinese government will translate our dossier into Mandarin and can eventually approve us to adopt a child. This is GREAT news! 

Second, we talked with our agency on Friday for about 30 minutes regarding our medical checklist and general profile, and our agency didn't seem to think it would take more than 3 months for us to receive a match. (It could definitely be shorter, but they didn't seem to think it would be any longer than that.) From the time we accept a match, depending on a few variables, we will travel 3-6 months later. SOOOOO, all of that means we could POSSIBLY be traveling in the late summer, but it'll probably be early fall. It's really happening, y'all...this is crazy. 

For those of you unfamiliar with how matching works, each family creates a "profile" of the type of child they'd like to adopt including gender, age, and acceptable medical conditions. We are basically looking to adopt a boy, 0-18 months (at time of match), and we are open to about six categories of minor special needs. We created this profile based on our desire to stay in birth order, so Kate needed to be at least 1 year older than her younger brother, and we narrowed down the medical conditions after MANY, MANY conversations with various pediatricians. The profile part of adoption is HARD. 

Thank you all for continuing to journey this out with us...we are so excited to be at this point!

OH! And one last thing...several people have asked whether or not we plan to do any more adoption fundraising. The short answer is no...we do not plan to organize any more fundraisers...BUT, if you'd like to contribute to our family's adoption financially, there are two ways you can do that:

1) PayPal donations - there is a button on the right navigation bar labeled DONATE that will accept a monetary donation and will go directly into our adoption account. No need to have a PayPal account, and it will send you a receipt.

2) So, this one is way more fun...SHOP MY NOONDAY COLLECTION LINE! I fell in love with Noonday several months ago, and when the opportunity to become the first Ambassador in my area fell into my lap, I had to jump on it! This company was born as an adoption fundraiser, seeks to empower men and women struggling to get out of poverty worldwide, and the style is just SO me! The spring line debuted last Thursday, and it is STUNNING. All of my commissions will go into our adoption account as well, so your purchases are truly making a HUGE impact. Here are a few of my favorites from the new line. (Click on each picture for the link to the featured item! And if you want the name of an item pictured that I didn't link to the picture, shoot me a comment below! I'd love to help you find it.)

There are SO MANY MORE beautiful things on the full website, including a SALE section with some beauties! (Um, hello beautiful $14 earrings!)
Leave me a comment or shoot me a message for more info or if you have questions! Make it a great week, friends! XOXO!


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