Monday, May 23, 2016

May Recap: Life Lately

Well, hey there end of May!

In the words of my Carter, "What the what?!!"

This month has been an absolute WHIRLWIND. I repeat. WHIRL. WIND. Here's a little peek at what we've been up completely random, not chronological order...

We celebrated this beautiful lady, my mom, on Mother's Day with an amazing meal at her country club! 
Three generations of Wade girls...

These two LOVE their Gammy! 

We've spent CRAZY amounts of time in the our sunnies...:)  

And we watched this amazing boy "GRADUATE" from Pre-K! 
**Okay, so he's doing TK since he's a summer birthday, so we aren't going to get all technical about the graduation thing...we just had a blast celebrating his growth this year!** 

He was SO EXCITED to receive the "Happy Helper" award! (except not...) 

Please read his career aspirations...a multi-tasker like his mom! ;) I am SO PROUD.

We were headed off to our last day of preschool for the year! WE MADE IT!!!!

This cutie started playing T-Ball and is in MAJOR LOVE! This sport has been such a confidence booster for my sweet boy. Soccer was entirely too aggressive for him, and this is SO his speed! 

Kate fell in love with the splash pad...(and this cute boy!) 

Blake and I spent an INCREDIBLE weekend away in Austin for a little "mental health break" from our crazy. If you and your significant other have never done this, I HIGHLY recommend it. We came back refreshed, reconnected, and totally recharged after an insanely draining spring for us both. 

While I was there, I read both of these incredible books. Get your hands on these NOW, people. Looking for Lovely is great for someone going through a hard time or struggling with insecurity, and Wild and Free, y'all, this book. I mean, where do I start? This is inspirational, freeing, confidence-boosting, faith-building, challenging...everything you'd want in a faith-based non-fiction read. Just trust me when I say you NEED it.  


On the way back from Austin (except it wasn't on the way at all...), we met up with a rescue group to adopt this precious thing! We've had her a little over a week now, and I wish I could tell you that things are great...but it's hard. And we have some major concerns.

Since we live on a golf course, we have a high-net fence in our backyard. Well, this sweet baby is a fairly constant chewer, and she has decided it's a fun game to chew holes in the net and get out onto the golf course to play. :( We are currently evaluating whether or not our home is a safe environment for her or not, so prayers appreciated that we will have some clarity to her situation soon. She is as sweet as can be and SO STINKIN' SMART...we just aren't sure we can keep her safe in our home.  

On a more positive note, we joined an incredible gym in our neighborhood for the summer and broke in the pool last week! Little fishies! They were SO EXCITED for it!

 And I was THRILLED to host three trunk shows this month, one of which was my first Noonday Collection adoption fundraiser! One of the main reasons I became an Ambassador was to pay it forward to other adopting families and help them raise funds, so I was pumped for this show. We had a fun night talking all about the sweet family, playing dress-up with the beautiful pieces, and just enjoying each other's company. I pray the best for the family as they pursue the adoption of their daughter in the Philippines! 

And on the adoption note, I wish I had great news to share here about our progress...but it's just not our turn yet. Three weeks ago, I chatted with our matching coordinator who assured us we were at the very top of the list for boys, so our call could be coming just any day. For whatever reason, they just haven't seen a profile yet that matches our family's preferences. So, we wait. More.

I've been asked so many times lately how I deal with all the waiting and disappointment that our initial "3-months-to-match" time frame wasn't met. I wish I had a good answer for how I deal with it, but I just do. I get up in the morning, hug my kids, and take care of the day at hand. I put one foot in front of the other and just keep on trusting that God's got this. I can't see what He does, and that's okay. His view of time and mine is not the same, and He knows my needs way better than I do. I'll admit, I often find myself wondering if today is going to be "the day" or not, but I don't linger on it. I can't. I could easily get frustrated and throw in the towel, but this whole process has been one giant act of surrender. From the moment we said yes to adoption, we said yes to God's timing.

His PERFECT timing.

So, we're here. We're ready. And we hope to have big news to share with everyone SOON.


  1. I'm so glad you are back to blogging! Y'all have had a busy May! :)


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