Thursday, July 7, 2016

My Happy Place

Ah, Lake Hamilton.

There are fewer places I feel more connected to my past, present, future, and God than when I am at our family's lake house in Hot Springs. There's something about taking your kids to a place where you grew up and seeing their faces light up the way yours did (and still does) that just takes you full-circle. 

The lake is the place I dream about when it's 32 degrees outside in February.

The lake is the place I want to go when I'm feeling anxious or scared or uncertain of the future.

The lake is the place I want to go when I just need an escape. 

We spent a beautiful four days there over the weekend with my parents, my brother, and his family. It was exactly what I needed.

Here's a quick recap:

Our first morning...hello, beautiful. 

Kate and "her baby, Annabelle" (my niece) were just the sweetest.

Early morning girl talk. 

There is an amazing tower on the top of a mountain where you can go up and look over the whole city. It is gorgeous!

I spent my weekend in a baseball cap and never put make-up on at was bliss.

Looking out to the east.

We headed down from the tower and had a picnic lunch with these cute kiddos.

A beautiful afternoon.

The next day, we busted out some water balloons for a fight. 

The kids LOVED IT.


We took lots of boat rides with Doc.

And played putt-putt in 95 degrees. :/

Then we had a porch swing photo shoot to commemorate the 4th.

Love their JOY.

"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful...for beauty is God's handwriting." 
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our last boat ride on the final day. We were crying on the inside.

It took the WHOLE TRIP, but we finally got the kids to get in the lake! 

My loves.

All of the other kids rode in the tube, but Captain Safety here preferred to watch. He DID, however, agree to get in the tube for a picture. Baby steps, am I right?!

These two....

And one last porch pic before heading out...we cannot wait to go back again soon!

Until next time, Arkansas...


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