Wednesday, October 19, 2016

An Answered Prayer! (Kind of...)

So, here's a little update for you guys...
Yesterday morning, I was at work and my phone started buzzing in my pocket. I never, EVER get calls during work hours because most people know I am not allowed to answer, so I casually looked down at my phone and saw "Holt International" on my caller ID. I knew what it was in an instant, so I told my director who was calling, and she excitedly yelled, "Oh yes! Go answer it!" (Side note: Supportive bosses are basically the best thing ever.)

Our agency's travel coordinator let me know that we got our preliminary travel approval, and that he would be moving forward with getting us China-bound by November 4th! Eeek! The next step was to email us the official itinerary by week's end so we could purchase our flights. The rest of the day was spent in a total haze, and we just couldn't believe our incredible good fortune and how perfectly all of this was going to time out. My mom and mother-in-law exchanged a few text messages and had childcare all figured out by the afternoon, and we prayed it would be smooth sailing from there. We would have our son in our arms in just 20 days!

So, fast forward to today, and you can imagine my disappointment and confusion when I felt another buzzing in my pocket this morning with a caller ID that read "Holt International." I felt very different emotions answering that call because they had encountered a little hiccup in planning our travel. The visa appointment had been made, but for whatever reason, Brooks's province would not agree to a November 7th Gotcha Day. Apparently their government representatives would not be available that day for some reason, so they are currently trying to work us into the following week. (Gotcha Days have to be on Mondays...don't ask me why...) This is not an "official" travel week which means some added expense and a return on Thanksgiving Day or the day after...again, not ideal...but we are continuing to trust that God's hand is at work here and all of this is happening for a reason.

So...yay for TA! But boo to unknown travel know I'll keep you posted. 

And just as an was Picture Day at school for my bigs..I mean, how adorable is this patriotic little duo?!! 


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