Wednesday, November 9, 2016

World Adoption Day!

Happy World Adoption Day, friends!!!

In case you didn't know, November is Adoption Awareness Month, so many adoptive families or adoption advocates share their adoption stories on blogs and social media during this month in order to raise awareness for adoption and orphan care. There are MILLIONS of kids around the world waiting to become members of forever families, and raising awareness of these precious little ones can be an easy first step to get involved!

If you'd like to get involved today, it is SO easy! Simply draw a smiley face on your hand, snap a quick pic of your open hand, and post it ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE with the hashtag #worldadoptionday! (And please share or tag me in your pics! I'd love to see them!)

Not the selfie type? Consider supporting an adoptive family financially this month or making a donation to an orphan care organization like Show Hope, Unicef, or CAFO. Can't make a financial gift? Maybe you could commit today to pray for an adoptive family you know or simply pray for the kids today living without a Mommy and Daddy to call their own.

In order for my family to further participate, I've also committed to donating my November Noonday Collection commission to the Morningstar Foundation that cares for orphans with severe heart defects in Uganda and China, so maybe you could grab a Christmas gift or make a purchase with purpose HERE

Whatever you do today, I would implore you to just do SOMETHING. The Bible tells us in James 1:27 that "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." (NLT) You see, as Christ-followers, caring for orphans and widows is not is a Biblical mandate. This doesn't mean that everyone is called to adopt, but it does mean we can ALL make in impact in some way. What can YOU do today?

In just two days, my husband and I will board a flight bound for Beijing, and in just five days, we will have Brooks in our arms. I have no doubt that the next two and a half weeks are going to be some of the most life-changing weeks we've ever experienced together. My next post here should be from China...I get a pit in my stomach and tears in my eyes just writing those words. 

Happy World Adoption Day, friends! I cannot wait to see how the Lord works in the hearts of others today!  


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