Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Eve Photo Shoot

So, confession: I haven't done a family Christmas card since 2014. Eeek! Last year, we were on such a strict budget since every extra penny went to our adoption process that I couldn't justify the cards expense, and this year, we had been home a hot minute when we would've been needing to take pictures, order cards, and get them out. I could've made myself crazy and tried to get them done, but we were jet-lagged and sleep-deprived, so instead, I gave myself some grace and took it off my plate. 

As the cards from family and friends started coming in, it made me realize that I really did miss having some family pictures taken in the fall, so on Christmas Eve, we spent a few minutes outside and did a little mini photo shoot in our front yard. :) Thanks, Mom, for being our photographer! 

If we had gotten around to a card, this would've been the three amigos!

And I likely would've included a little announcement on the back about this sweet cowboy. He completed our family this year by coming home to Texas, and we love him to the moon! 

The best we could do of all five.

Sister wasn't feeling the pics...but how cute are these boys?!!

Brother love.

Love this kid. 

Crazy face!

I'm pretty sure he LOVES his boots.

He's discovered his head. Ha!

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, friends! And here's hoping I get my act together enough to send a 2017 card! XO! 


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