Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Icemageddon Recap

Happy spring break, friends!!
The last two weeks around here have been...umm...special. If you live in the north Texas area like me, you know that there has been really depressing weather for the last few weeks that including several snow days. I have to say, as a teacher, I ADORED snow days because I got to spend extra time at home and didn't have to wrangle the juvenile delinquents for a day. As a mom, different story. This about sums it up...

We are a family that thrives on being out and about with our friends...and snow days just don't allow for that. Daddy being home makes it better, but there is just too much fighting, too much cabin fever, and too much whining/boredom for this mom. But, alas, we survived. Here is how we survived Icemageddon...
"Sledding" in a laundry basket...super classy.
 Snow angels...kinda.
 Ball pit baths - my kids LOVE this!
Lots of dress-up...

 And a desperate trip to the mall to get our fix of Chick-Fil-A!
 On the second day home, Blake managed to get out to work in the afternoon, and our favorite gymnastics center, My Gym, opened for free play in the afternoon - total God-send!

 Kate rocked a big girl ponytail...she is looking WAY too old these days! :(

The next snow day happened the following week...it was all fun and games while the snow was coming down...

Making a snow man! (And yes, those are cheeseballs on the face. We are ALL CLASS around here.)

 Kate was NOT a fan once it had all fallen...ha! Me too, girlfriend!
 So, we recovered with ice cream cones. :)
Here's hoping that the snow/ice/sleet/TORTURE is behind us and that warmer weather is on its way! I am SO ready for flip flops and spring dresses and more walks outside with these guys! 

If you've had snow days lately where you live, what were some of your favorite indoor activities? Would love to hear from you!


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