Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday Favorites: Writer's Block Edition

Happy Friday, all! 

First of all, my apologies for being totally MIA the last few weeks. I'm seriously slacking on the blog front. I could bore you with a litany of excuses - we had lots of snow days, spring break (aka 24/7 children for 12+ days), went out of town for a wedding, etc. - but the reality is that I've been really preoccupied lately with researching something that our family is praying about, and since we are not ready to publicly share it just yet, I've been pretty devoid of blog ideas. I seem to have hit a major writer's block. BUT, I will carry on and go ahead and give you my list of completely and utterly random Friday Favorites. :)

1) The Revival of Lilo & Stitch

Carter, like most little kids, goes through phases where he becomes completely and utterly obsessed with characters and tv shows...right now, we are in a "Lilo & Stitch" phase. We watch the movie no less than twice a day, and he absolutely refuses to watch anything else during Kate's nap time. It was one of my absolute favorites growing up, so I get it. It's a precious movie, and I love seeing him get so excited for something that I loved as a kid as well. 

2) My Favorite New Recipe: Copycat Parmesean Pasta Roni

(Not my photo - I don't do broccoli...ha!)

Confession - we eat WAY too much food that comes out of boxes around here. I'm really trying to make more natural, less processed food for the kids, so I gave a copycat Pasta Roni recipe a go this week that we ate with grilled chicken. O-to-the-M-G. AMAZING. I am a HUGE lover of Pasta Roni, and this one was EXPONENTIALLY better in my opinion. It's still not a super health-conscious choice (um, hello heavy cream and 1 cup of parmesan cheese), but I felt better not serving my kids something that was powdered, and everyone gobbled it up. You can the recipe I made HERE.

3) Spring is coming!

We got a teeny tiny little taste of spring heaven on Tuesday, and I did NOT let the day slip by without enjoying it. I skipped my run at the gym Tuesday morning in favor of a LOOOOOONG walk outside with the pooch. It was SUNNY and 70 DEGREES. If you weren't outside that day, you missed out on a brief slice of heaven.

4) Everything Mint Green

I am loving this cute mint green color I'm seeing everywhere! I recently spotted this super cute lace(ish) dress and loved the color! (It looks super short on the model, but it was very appropriate on me, I promise.) I wore it to a rehearsal dinner last weekend, paired it with some matching earrings and a chunky bracelet you see below, and I got tons of compliments. The dress was less than $25, and I spent less than $20 on the Target. Can't beat it!

5)  Carry On, Warrior

For a book study with some fellow MOPS mommas, I am currently reading Glennon Melton's Carry On, Warrior, and I have a serious girl crush. This girl is REAL, brutally honest, and hilarious, and I cannot put this down. If you haven't read it yet or have never heard of Glennon or Momastery, you are MISSING OUT! GO. NOW. And thank me later. :)


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