Monday, June 22, 2015

Anniversary/Father's Day Weekend!

We had the sweetest weekend around here celebrating all the touchy-feely things. :)

Friday was our fifth anniversary, and to celebrate Kate took an EPIC 3-hour nap. 

She must've worn her little self out with all that intelligent play she was doing...don't worry, we've already applied to MENSA.

We went for sushi that night and then walked around the Shops at Legacy before popping in for a dessert and drink. It was so fun to get out and about for a bit...we were LONG overdue for a date night! 

Saturday was pretty low-key, so I leave you with some clubhouse selfies after a Saturday morning walk. You're welcome.

 Emma was cracking us up...the kids were playing "restaurant" and they thought Emma was trying to order food every time she'd pop up in the window like this!

Sunday was Father's Day, so we celebrated with pancakes, gifts, church, and lunch out. Sunday night we had a delicious meal with my parents at Royal Oaks Country Club and celebrated the dads some more. The kids were HAMMING IT UP for the camera - it was SO cute! They love them some Doc! :) 

 Can I just say...SWOON! Look at that smiley girl and handsome guy! I need the googly eyes emoji for this one!!!

As sweet as our weekend was celebrating our blessings, I've been very cognizant lately of those who have difficulty on holidays like this. I recently lost my Uncle Jack, and I couldn't help but think of how hard Father's Day must be for my Aunt Judy and their family, how their hearts must be aching as they see us all celebrate the amazing men in our lives and he is no longer with us. Although I do certainly know how blessed I was to grow up in a loving home with a wonderful and caring father, that is not the case for so many people in the world. There are so many situations where maybe the father has passed on too soon, or maybe he was abusive or just plain absent, and that makes this day hard. Although that's not my story, maybe it's yours. And maybe I can encourage you a little bit today by letting you know that no matter what your earthly father has done or didn't do, there's a Heavenly Father who loves every single square inch of you exactly as you are. No matter what. No sin, no past, no hurt is too great that it can be healed by the Father above. If you feel fatherless on Father's Day, I hope you can find hope and encouragement in knowing that the Father above makes you whole. He welcomes you with open arms, is proud of you, and loves you more than you can fathom. 

This video below just says it all. 


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