Thursday, June 11, 2015

Life Lately

Happy summer, everyone!!

Well, we are just shy of a month into summer around here and really settling in to a new groove. It's 90 degrees by 11am, so we've been doing all we can to make the best of the HOT weather!

Since my last post (yeah, I's been a long time...), we have been on a lot of jeep rides...

taken a few slushie selfies...

met a friend's beautiful new baby girl (sidenote: totally the best moment of Kate's life to date getting to hold a real baby)...

driven Daddy crazy by letting the kids dump all the ball pit balls into the pool...

visited sweet friends in Houston...

attended a bachelorette party in Austin (okay, technically that was just me)...

attended a baseball game...
played golf...
and started swim lessons! This was day two! GO, CART, GO!!

Next up on our agenda is celebrating our fifth anniversary, Father's Day, and an adults trip to Santa Fe! Hope everyone is staying cool and having a great summer, too! 


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