Friday, March 11, 2016

10 on the 10th...Except it's the 11th ;)

Okay, my faithful ten readers....I'm determined to get back into the blogging game. I've been, well, a big fat failure the last month or so, and my dad is disappointed that he's no longer getting his daily email updates, so Dad, this one's for you. ;) Here are ten things for the 10th that have been going on in our little world lately. (Aaaaand, of course it's a day late...couldn't get my act together yesterday because spring break is HARD.)


We've been continuing our annual goal for more intentional time (we call them dates) with our kids. It appears we may also need to work on manners during dates...


This girl got a cute little haircut! She has decided that ponytails, clips, and bows are her mortal enemies all of a sudden and was just looking messy all the, enter the bob. I kinda love it!


Are my kids the only ones who literally watch their loveys dry?!! They sat here for a FULL 25 minutes while their two beloved blankets dried. They watched them "go for a ride." It was kinda cute, kinda sad, and obviously quite entertaining.


I loved Kate's little bob so much that I decided I needed one of my own! Bye bye three inches! (And forgive the photog skills here...Carter took this one. Ha!)


This girl has been alllllllll about my jewelry lately. She pretty much wears a piece around the house 24/7 if I let her. She has also become a pretty big fan of the "selfie" - which makes a part of me die a little inside.


It's been raining ALL. WEEK. LONG. We are O-V-E-R it. A rainy spring break with very few's been, well, interesting. And long. Bring back the sun! 


How cute are my boys?!! Carter fell in love with this shirt at Target and insisted on twinning with his Daddy in his work shirt. They looked so cute we had to take them out to dinner to show it off!


Dear Whole Foods, You are amazing! Where have these carts been all my life?!! This was by far the best grocery trip ever. No tears, no roaming, no begging for unnecessary toys...they just drove their little car the whole time. It's the little things, people...


I've gotten several texts similar to this one this week as my friends and family who shopped my Noonday Collection spring launch are getting their goodies in! This makes me SO HAPPY! Especially because most of my shoppers were brand new to this amazing organization and all the good it's doing in the world! If you ordered from me, I'd love to see you in your pretty pieces! And if you're interested in learning more or shopping the new spring line, click HERE. (And psssst - lots of new items just went on sale, including two of my favorites - the Azul scarf and Sharma earrings! Steals!)


I listened in last night on a conference call with our agency regarding families who are currently DTC and waiting on their matches. They went over kids they had matched in the last month, what types of special needs they are seeing in the files they are receiving, and basic time frames for families depending on gender/age requested. It still sounds like we should be matched in the next month or two, but only God knows the real timing, and there are so many variables involved. We just continue to wait and trust and hope...we know our son is out there and that God has an incredible story planned for our family. No other real updates there.

Okay, I'm off to enjoy a relaxing little Friday with my kiddos! Have a great weekend!


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