Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Weekend Recap!

Happy Monday, friends! I hope everyone had a wonderful and joyful Easter celebration this weekend! Our weekend was PACKED...I feel like I could use a weekend to recover from the weekend! ;)

Friday morning, my playgroup and I took a trip down to the Dallas Zoo. When I scheduled the play date for that day, I totally blanked on it being a holiday, so the place was PACKED, but we made the most of it and had a blast with our friends...and some very aggressive giraffes!

 They ran out of food for the giraffes...and they were SO HUNGRY they were licking people's hands!

Cute little monkeys!

Friday afternoon, Blake came home early from work since it was a holiday, so we got to spend some good family time dyeing eggs and then went out to dinner. 

Saturday morning, we headed down to the Dallas Arboretum to see my brother, his wife, and my two nephews who had come in town for the weekend. It was, yet again, PACKED, but we still had a great time and got some amazing pictures of the four cousins. 
Gotta love a good meltdown. ;)
Love her!

It never ceases to amaze me how Carter and Pearson (who is 3 months older) never seem to miss a beat. We don't see them nearly enough, but these two pick up right where they left off each'd never know it had been months since their last visit. I just adore their precious friendship!

Saturday afternoon after naps, we headed up to church where Blake and I were teaching the 2s class in the nursery for the 3:30 service. (Yeah...our church had SEVEN services over the weekend. CRAZY!) We had so much fun with our five little rascals in there! (Apparently that time of day is nap time for most 2 year olds because our group was so tiny!)

Sunday morning, we opened Easter baskets and then actually got to attend church in the sanctuary for the first time in 3 weeks because we've been teaching so much! Then, we all headed down for brunch with my parents. They had multiple Easter bunnies at this brunch, so Carter didn't say much (he's terrified...bless him!), and Kate spent the entire lunch screaming, "Hello, bunny! Hi, bunny wabbit!" It was pretty sweet. :) 

 They had a man making balloon HIT!
 Somebody takes her chicken VERY seriously...

The afternoon was spent blowing bubbles at the grandparents' house, not napping (dumb sugar high!), and playing with our new toys. We enjoyed having Blake's family over to our house for a very casual pizza dinner Sunday night where the older kids put on a "show" and Kate went to bed early. :)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and celebrated the fact that HE IS RISEN!

Coming up tomorrow, I'm back at it with another Show & Tell Tuesday where I'll be sharing my favorite vacation...I cannot wait to read everyone else's! Traveling is SO much fun!


  1. Okay, that Easter bunny is SOOO creepy in his Michael Jackson-esque jacket!!


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