Monday, November 2, 2015

Adoption Awareness Month: Get Your Tissues Ready, Y'all...

Although I'm not technically an adoptive mom yet, I am in the process of becoming one, and in honor of Adoption Awareness month, I wanted to share with you the video above. I think this so perfectly describes the adoption process, the beauty and tragic loss that are both present in adoption, and the redemption that can come from that loss. This video was posted on an amazing China adoption blog that I read called "No Hands But Ours," and if you've got 36 minutes and a box of tissues handy, watch this amazing little girl's story. I can only pray that our little one will flourish the way sweet Lydia has. :) And if you are the praying kind, would you lift our family up this week? Lots going on over here that I won't go into detail about, but we would just covet your prayers for wisdom and peace. Thanks, and happy Monday, all! 


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