Sunday, November 1, 2015

November 1

Eeeks! November 1! I've been waiting for this day for a while. Halloween is over (it's a love-hate, y'all), Adoption Awareness Month is beginning, our Booster closed last night, and my kids broke in their new Christmas pajamas last night. :) Life is good today.

First, I want to give my deepest, most sincere, and very heartfelt thanks to all who supported us in our t-shirt Booster sale. We ended up selling 187 shirts and raising...wait for it...


I don't even have the right words to express my gratitude. I was actually told by a friend who had sold t-shirts as a fundraiser to not expect much because she didn't feel like t-shirt fundraisers worked, and hers was very unsuccessful. Well, I loved the design we came up with, and I thought, why not? If we raise a couple hundred dollars and people get to share in our journey a little bit, what can it hurt?

Yes, well. 

How incredible God (and our community!) is to not only help us reach our completely ridiculous goal, but to actually SURPASS IT and basically QUADRUPLE what we had initially hoped to raise. I know I sound like a broken record here, but we just continue to be humbled and blown away by God's provision for our family in this process. It's not easy for a family with one full-time salary who has two kids in preschool and very little discretionary income to come up with the $35,000 needed to complete an international adoption, but God just continues to show up, cover us in all of these details, and confirm that this is His plan for us. What an amazing Provider and Father we serve.  

Big Sister gives Him all the praise hands.

Last night, we had a blast celebrating Halloween with our sweet Ironman and Doc McStuffins. We trick or treated with my two nephews and their neighbor, and the kids had a great night. It was really the first time they understood and were excited to do it, and that was so fun to see. 

And because it's November 1st...these babies made an appearance in our house last night! Cannot explain my actions. Judge if you must, but the Christmas season is short enough enough as it is...we wear Christmas pjs from November to February around here! :) 

Ok, and lastly, my generous and precious friend, Laurel, has made the most incredible offer to our family. She sells Rodan + Fields skin care, and to honor Adoption Awareness Month, she has offered to donate 50% of her proceeds during November to our family.

Rodan + Fields is the fourth largest premium skin care line in the country, and their testimonials are absolutely INSANE. They have several different product lines for various skin types, and I have many friends getting incredible results from the products. If you've ever been curious about the products and wanted to give them a whirl, now is the time! My sources tell me their multi-function eye cream is amazing, and I am personally excited to see that for myself when I get my hands on it! :)  To learn more about the products or place an order, visit Laurel's link HERE

We all have a role to play in caring for orphans (James 1:27), and we are so thankful for so many people wanting to help us on this journey. Have a wonderful Sunday, friends! 


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