Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Life Lately: School Pictures and Letters to Santa

So, life lately has actually been fairly slow and, aside from the terrible twos being in FULL FORCE around here, not super stressful. (Side note: Am I wrong that girls in the terrible twos are SO. MUCH. WORSE. than boys?!! Holy drama, Batman! Somewhere my mom is laughing...) 

We are at a point in the adoption process where the powers that be are working on our behalf and we are simply waiting for things to get done on their end, so it's been nice to take a break from the "paper chase" for a bit and just enjoy some good family time. Yesterday, yes, on November 10th, my kids decided it was time to write letters to Santa.

Allow me to translate: "Dear Santa, Dirt Bike. Lobve, Carter"

I've been good...riiiiiiiight. ;)

Carter is at an age where he is CONSTANTLY asking me to spell things so he can write. He is DETERMINED to figure out reading and writing, and it is the most fun thing to watch. Kate is not pictured because, as mentioned above, TERRIBLE TWOS. She was upset because she couldn't write her own letters. She wanted to try so I handed her a crayon, and she screamed, "I can't!" So I offered to help...MELTDOWN. The struggle is real.

I walked out on my porch Monday afternoon to find this beauty...

The shirts came in and are SO CUTE!!!! We have heard from a few people who didn't get to order, so we may relaunch in the spring if anyone wants additional colors or missed out in October. It has been so fun to hand them out to all our amazing supporters! 

And, last, because PROUD MAMA, I had to share the school pictures we got to preview last week! I was so excited that the kiddos got to take a sibling pic, too. Melt my heart!

Quite a step up from Carter's infamous "hitchhiking" mug shot from two years ago...

For the love...

And lastly, don't forget to get your orders in to my friend Laurel before the end of the month if you want to give Rodan + Fields a try! 50% of her proceeds this month will go to our adoption fund. Thank you, Laurel! :)

Happy Hump Day, friends!


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