Sunday, January 31, 2016

Noonday Collection - Changing the World through Style

I am thrilled to finally be able to share my new adventure with you all today! After many months of prayer and conversation, I have joined an incredible team of women as an Independent Ambassador for the Noonday Collection

(This is our excited face.)

So, if you've never heard of Noonday, here's the scoop. (You can watch a little video from the founder if you feel so inclined HERE.) Noonday Collection's mission is to create jobs for artisans around the world who live in some of the most vulnerable countries. These men and women create beautiful and unique jewelry and accessories, and by partnering with Noonday Collection, they are able to earn a FAIR and DIGNIFIED income for their families through the sale of their products. Each purchase you make from Noonday Collection helps families and communities around the world flourish.

As an ambassador, I will be connecting customers to the artisans through trunk shows and online sales. If you have any interest in hosting a trunk show, I would LOVE to chat! There are some pretty sweet perks for hostesses! ;)  And really, what could be better than getting together with your friends, shopping for beautiful jewelry, AND helping others all at once?! It really doesn't get much better!

Well, maybe it does. All proceeds from my trunk shows will go directly toward our adoption there's that, too!

The spring line launches February 18, and I will be hosting a launch party during the afternoon on Sunday, February 28th, at my home in Frisco. I will be sending lots of invites, and please feel free to bring your friends! 

Not local? Can't make the show? No worries! You can shop my personal website anytime HERE.  

I am just ecstatic to be joining a community of women who are making a huge impact by styling their friends. The quality of these pieces is truly second to none, and I cannot wait to see how God uses this company to help not only our family with our adoption expenses, but also families and children all around the world.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Do Something That Scares You

Okay, so this post is a little bit of a teaser...sorry, not sorry. ;)

For the last several months, a business opportunity has been heavy on my heart that is unlike any other that has ever come my way. Last night, I took a leap of faith after chatting with an amazing and inspirational woman, and I said yes. Things are still finalizing, so I'm not able to share the details with you (YET!), but I am hopeful to be able to share more details soon. It's a risk, it's a little bit scary, and there's a chance I'll fail. And that's just downright hard to admit.

What I wanted to take a minute to share this morning was how God has been working on my vulnerability. Y'all, let's face it, being real and honest and admitting that our life isn't always perfect is HARD. Social media just takes this to a whole new level. Rather than seeing the real, authentic, nitty gritty that goes into each day, we bombard ourselves with somebody else's highlight reel. And we do this over...and over...and over again. We scroll through staged, edited, filtered blips of someone's day that comes with a witty caption to further the idea that his or her life is perfect.

I'll admit - I'm guilty of this myself. I admitted in last week's "Momfessionals" post that I often stage cute pictures of my kids. I do - it's usually cute! And sometimes, getting a picture of my kids giving each other a hug is what gets me through a tough day. And that's okay!

But, I wonder, how would the world be different if we were not so consumed by posting the picture perfect postcard life? How different would things look if we were all honest?

Honesty is scary.
Honesty opens you open to criticism.
Honesty is not popular, and, let's be honest, you may lose followers for your authenticity.

But here's my heart for you today. 

With openness and vulnerability comes connection. Honesty, sincerity, and admitting struggles does NOT make us weak. In fact, it does the opposite. Admitting we struggle, admitting we are scared, admitting that things are hard builds bridges among us. We are all in this crazy thing called life together, and we need to support, encourage, and rally around each other. No one, no matter how perfect they may seem from an Instagram feed, NO ONE has it all together. Perfectionism is a does not exist. Leave that little devil in the dust, and let's get REAL!

So here's my challenge for you today - last night, I took a risk and said YES to something that scares me. I'm scared I might fail, I'm scared of the risk, and I'm scared to put myself out there. 

My hope is that if you are reading this, you will do just ONE THING that scares you today. If you've been holding back on taking a risk in your life, take it! If you fail? At least you'll be able to look back and say you tried. No regrets. And if you fly...well, honey, then it was worth it. 

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 
- 2 Timothy 1:7

Happy Friday, loves!  

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What's Up Wednesday

Hey, hey Hump Day!!! 

I decided to join in on the What's Up Wednesday fun today, so I'll be answering the questions below. Grab the graphic and join in, too!

What We're Eating This Week....

Cooking has never really been my strong suit, but I am excited to make these cute little thumb print cookies this weekend! Who doesn't love a good peanut butter and chocolate combo?!!

What I'm Reminiscing About...

This sweet baby will be FIVE in just a few short months. (Somebody HOLD ME.) We've been having lots of big conversations about whether or not to go ahead and send him to Kindergarten or give him a year of  Transitional Kindergarten, and it's a really tough decision. It's the kind of conversation  I feel entirely unprepared for, so prayers would be appreciated as we continue to discuss and make big decisions for this sweet boy!

What I'm Loving...

I took the kids up to the CUTEST little play place last week, and they had a BLAST! If you are local to the Frisco/McKinney/Plano area, check out Play Street Museum! These kiddos were in heaven!

What We've Been Up To...

 We have been redoing our bedroom furniture, and I LOVE how it's turned out!!! This chest was old and all scratched up from college, so we gave it a fresh coat of paint and added some new hardware. 

Side note - How cute are my assistants?!! (Sorry for the undies pic, Carter...don't hate me when you're 15...) 

 I love how it turned out!!!

 Next, we moved on to the night stands...they also started out the light wood color and had very old hardware, so we gave it a little face lift...

And now, we're finishing the big guy...the long dresser. I cannot wait to show you how well this one turned out! It has these beautiful and ornate doors on the middle section. I'll share the after of this one soon!

What I'm Dreading...

I'm not really sure I'm dreading anything right now except for maybe a snow day...mama doesn't do cold. This pic was from last year. Kate shares my feelings. ;) 

What I'm Working On...

Ok, so technically it's not ME working on it, but our agency is soooooo close to finalizing and sending off our dossier. We cannot wait to hear that it's been sent over! I'm hopeful that I can share that good news this week or next!

What I'm Excited About...

See the last question. ;) Being DTC and getting that referral call!!!

What I'm Watching/Reading...

Building on my commitment to get up earlier this year, I ordered this last night and cannot wait to read it!

What I'm Listening  To...

I absolute ADORE Shane & Shane...and this album is SO good!

What I'm Wearing...

I am SOOOOOO not the mirror selfie type (because HEY MESSY CLOSET), but I did have to share my adoration from this must-have shirt from Pinterest Told Me To. I wore it with her must-have leggings and some tall boots, and I got OODLES of compliments at my MOPS meeting. It's comfortable, affordable, and perfect for leggings because it covers the rear. LOVE THIS ONE.

What I'm Doing This Weekend...

Well, let's just be honest here...I'm a mom, so I'll be going to kiddo birthday parties. It's just how we roll these days...BUT, my precious brother and his wife should be welcoming their third baby (my SIXTH niece or nephew!) by the end of the weekend, so I cannot wait to meet that sweet one and find out if I get another precious niece or nephew! EEEK!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month...

I just finalized plans with my mother-in-law for the kids to sleep over at her house on the night of Valentine's Day, so I am excited for a night off! And to SLEEP IN! :) Three cheers for grandparents!!

What Else is New...

I think that's about it! Just lovin' life with these sweet kiddos!

Ok, and one last HILARIOUS is this "elephant" that Cart made at school?!! His teacher said he insisted on just one tusk (the white moon on the left...) because he thought it would be funnier that way. Bless it, y'all. Poor kid got my artistic abilities...he just doesn't have a prayer. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday, friends!!! XO!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Pinspirations

Ah, Monday...we meet again.

So, today, I'm sharing a few of my favorite Pins from the week for a little Monday Pinspiration! Let's go!


I love this challenge from "The Abundant Mama" blog. One of my goals for 2016 was to get up BEFORE my kids in order to start my day in the right frame of mind and get a little "me" time and quite time in before the hustle of the day begins. So far, I've done it almost every weekday (although I'll admit my time was only 10 minutes one was still before the kids!), and it has made a HUGE difference for me. If you need inspiration and help in this area like I did, check out this challenge!


This was such a great reminder for me. We are one, yes ONE, document away from being DTC (dossier to China), and it is SO hard for me to stay present right now. My excitement and anxiety is just so big right now as we approach a major milestonein our adoption process, and it is taking every ounce of self-control for me to be present with my kids, with my husband, with my job. I pretty much need this one tattooed to my forehead.


I mean...this could not be more ME if it wanted to be. I'm HANGRY more than I'd like to admit. ;)  Sadly, it's no longer available on Zulily...but if anyone knows where I can find it, shoot me a comment! I. NEED. THIS.


How cute and EASY is this kids' craft?!! I am totally planning on using it for my classroom, but it could be SO cute as a gift for daddy or grandparents from the kiddos, too! You could totally do flower petals using the same tools later on in the spring. I just love this craft!


 I made these Funfetti Cake Batter Cookies the other day just for fun, and they were TO. DIE. FOR. The kids and adults both adored these fun and colorful treats. Super easy (you could even skip the sprinkles if you don't have any on hand) and a serious crowd-pleaser. For those of you that love the flavor of yellow cake batter like me, you will love these! 


I'm not afraid to admit that I'm already dreaming of warmer weather...this Texas mama doesn't do cold. I LOVED this basic long-sleeve strip top paired with Converse and pops of color in the jewelry. So easy, comfortable, and cute! Sigh...come on, April!


Had to end the post on a funny. This cracked me up! We hear you...we always hear you. Sometimes, we just don't like what you said. :) 

Make it a great day friends!!!
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Adoption Talk Link-Up

Happy Friday Eve, friends!!

So, today, I am soooooo excited to be joining an Adoption Talk link-up for the first time now that we are on the road to becoming an adoptive family...thank the Lord, the paper chase is just days from over! Hallelujah!

The prompt for today was "Memories," so I thought I'd take a little walk down memory lane and share a little bit more of how we got here since we are basically now at the one year anniversary of feeling the call to adoption.

In August 2013, we welcomed our second child, Kate, into our family. She was beautiful and an answered prayer, but she had a very rough start to life. We endured colic, a milk allergy, Torticollis, physical therapy, reflux, and basically ran the whole gamut of what could cause your baby to be...well, difficult. When people asked us whether or not we were "done" with kids, it was an emphatic YES. We were done with a capital D.  (I'm sure God was laughing up there every time we answered that question...)

We had some family pictures taken just after her first birthday by my amazingly talented friend, Kristin. When we got the CD back, I suddenly felt this very clear message that our family was not yet complete. Every picture seemed to be missing something. This feeling scared the absolute CR*P out of me, so I ignored it and pushed it away for several months. We said we were DONE, didn't we?!

Fast forward to January of 2015 where I became downright obsessed with a friend's journey adopting a little girl from China. I mean OB.SESSED. Adoption had always been something that fascinated me, but I had always thought of it as a "Plan B." I didn't need a Plan B, I thought. I can get pregnant easily and already have two very young kiddos...why am I so consumed by this? I cried over her pictures, read her blog posts incessantly, and just fell in love with the idea of adoption. My husband finally asked what I was so emotional about one night when he walked into our bedroom and saw me crying while reading her blog (AGAIN) on my phone.

Everything I had been feeling over the last three months just came spilling out of me like a volcanic eruption. I literally just blurted through tears, "I think God has been telling me we are supposed to adopt. Do you hate me?!"

My husband laughed, and although he was visibly thrown by the serious curveball I had just thrown, he hugged me, and we talked for a long time. He agreed to pray, and we didn't talk about it for quite some time. Several months later, we both fully committed to this road and growing our family after hearing from an absolutely amazing family at church who was very active in the foster care and adoption system in Texas. We knew this was our path.

When we said yes to adoption for our family, our daughter was not even two, so we waited for quite some time before pulling the trigger and submitting the application. In the mean time, we saved like crazy, did lots of research, and talked to as many adoptive families as humanly possible. After much research, prayer, and wise counsel, we agreed that the China Waiting Child Program was our best fit. You can read our story of why we chose China HERE. We applied to adopt just after Kate turned two, and you can see our announcement HERE.

After many months of paper chasing, we are now just days away from having our dossier in China and (hopefully) getting closer every day to that referral call. The waiting has been hard, but we know that this is a season and that things will happen when they are meant to happen.

It's been quite a ride it's been so far...and in so many ways, it hasn't even truly begun! We are so hopeful that 2016 is the year we will meet our son.

Thanks for joining us on this wild journey! 
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Show & Tell Tuesday: Momfessional Moments

Ok, so today's little link-up party is all about showing and telling your "momfessional" other words, this is an opportunity to confess or share secrets related to surviving this whole motherhood thing without losing your ever-loving mind. We can do hard things, y'all...

I did a post of these for Show and Tell Tuesday last year, and you can see that HERE

Soooo, let's revisit last year for a moment because not a whole lot of those have changed. I still adore preschool, although I'm teaching it now so it's not quite as much of a "break" as it was last year. I still let my son pee on trees at the park (sorry, not sorry), I still encourage my kids to watch a little TV when I need a break, and I will ALWAYS live by the five-second rule. Like ALWAYS.

The only things that have really changed from the 2015 list are that Kate is very close to dropping her nap (moment of silence, please...), and my son is now smart enough (thanks to said beloved preschool) that he realized the 5 on the Rosa's gumball machine was just part of the 25 cents sign, so he figured out my lie. Thankfully, the gumballs were older than he is, so they both immediately spit them out and realized they were gross when I gave in and let them get one. :) WIN!

Okay, so I came up four more. Here goes...

Whenever we are at a restaurant or play area and someone else's kid is having a tantrum, I secretly smile and laugh because, FOR ONCE, it's not MY KID doing it. It just somehow makes me feel justified that my kids aren't the only ones who misbehave occasionally in public. Now, before you scold me, I do always give the mom the obligatory half-smile as a show of solidarity, but once we've parted ways, I do smile to myself.

This isn't super crazy and off the wall, but it's amazing what all I can accomplish when I let my kids watch YouTube on the iPad. I know - it's super scary to just give them free reign on there because the suggested videos can sometimes be downright ICKY. But, it's one of the few times they will watch something together without fighting, and it's pretty cute to hear them laughing together at the same dumb video, too. (As an aside, are my kids the only ones into watching the "surprise egg" videos?!! What the heck are these dumb things, and how did they get so popular?!!)

There are three things that I absolutely DESPISE as a parent, but loved as a kid - Playdoh, stickers, and Legos. The amount of Playdoh I have picked up off of our playroom carpet is absolutely horrifying. I cannot even handle it anymore, so it often "mysteriously" disappears overnight. And I SWEAR, if I have one more piece of furniture in this house ruined by a pirate sticker, I might just flip my lid.

But number one on my ish list HAS to be Legos. Not the duplos - those are tolerable unless stepped on (for the love, those suckers hurt!).  I'm talking about the Legos marked for ages 5 and up. They are tiny, and the toys are rendered completely USELESS if you lose one single microscopic piece, so couple that with the fact that we have a two year old tornado currently residing with us, and it's not pretty, friends. I loathe the little devils.

Sometimes, I need to pretend that the cute and affectionate moments between my kids are a more frequent occurrence, so yeah, I ask them to hold hands for a picture. Or to give each other hugs just so I can document it. Do I occasionally catch an unprompted hug or sweet moment? Of course...but most are staged. And some end badly. Sigh.

Exhibit A - I think the prompt was, "Give her a kiss on the cheek." Oops.

An unprompted hug. (Insert all the googly eyes.)

Staged. Very staged. What gave it away?!! ;)
That's it for today!
Here's the series list if you'd like to join in next time! :)

Monday, January 18, 2016


This little princess has been absolutely CRACKING US UP lately with all of the funny and witty things she says, so I had to take a moment and write them down. I worried I'd forget them otherwise! I apologize in advance if you don't know her, because you might not find these as funny as if you did, but this girl...she's just a trip!

(Leaving the North Pole Express train ride)
Me: Kate, do you think Santa will bring you your Baby Alive doll for Christmas?
Kate: Yep!
Me: Are you on the nice list or the naughty list?
Kate: I'm on the FUNNY list! 

(On the way to my ob/gyn...she sadly had to tag along...)
Me: Kate, guess who we are going to go see?
Kate: Who?
Me; The doctor who took care of you while you were in my tummy!
Kate: What the what?!!
Me; Yeah! You grew in my tummy!
Kate: You ate me?!!

(Singing "the poop song" in the car...yeah, we made up a song about poop...whatever gets the job done, people!)
Kate: P-O-O-P, that's how you spell poop! Poop, poop, poop, poop, every body poops!
Carter: Daddy poops, Kate poops, Emma poops...
Kate: Emma poops A LOT, Bubba. It be super stinky.

She photobombs like a pro...

eats like a man...

and is just an absolute hoot! 

Thanks for always cracking us up, sweet thing! You add so much laughter and FUN to our days! XO!

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