Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Pinspirations

Ah, Monday...we meet again.

So, today, I'm sharing a few of my favorite Pins from the week for a little Monday Pinspiration! Let's go!


I love this challenge from "The Abundant Mama" blog. One of my goals for 2016 was to get up BEFORE my kids in order to start my day in the right frame of mind and get a little "me" time and quite time in before the hustle of the day begins. So far, I've done it almost every weekday (although I'll admit my time was only 10 minutes one was still before the kids!), and it has made a HUGE difference for me. If you need inspiration and help in this area like I did, check out this challenge!


This was such a great reminder for me. We are one, yes ONE, document away from being DTC (dossier to China), and it is SO hard for me to stay present right now. My excitement and anxiety is just so big right now as we approach a major milestonein our adoption process, and it is taking every ounce of self-control for me to be present with my kids, with my husband, with my job. I pretty much need this one tattooed to my forehead.


I mean...this could not be more ME if it wanted to be. I'm HANGRY more than I'd like to admit. ;)  Sadly, it's no longer available on Zulily...but if anyone knows where I can find it, shoot me a comment! I. NEED. THIS.


How cute and EASY is this kids' craft?!! I am totally planning on using it for my classroom, but it could be SO cute as a gift for daddy or grandparents from the kiddos, too! You could totally do flower petals using the same tools later on in the spring. I just love this craft!


 I made these Funfetti Cake Batter Cookies the other day just for fun, and they were TO. DIE. FOR. The kids and adults both adored these fun and colorful treats. Super easy (you could even skip the sprinkles if you don't have any on hand) and a serious crowd-pleaser. For those of you that love the flavor of yellow cake batter like me, you will love these! 


I'm not afraid to admit that I'm already dreaming of warmer weather...this Texas mama doesn't do cold. I LOVED this basic long-sleeve strip top paired with Converse and pops of color in the jewelry. So easy, comfortable, and cute! Sigh...come on, April!


Had to end the post on a funny. This cracked me up! We hear you...we always hear you. Sometimes, we just don't like what you said. :) 

Make it a great day friends!!!


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