Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Show & Tell Tuesday: Introductions and Resolutions

Good morning! So, I've got some new followers on this little blog of mine, so I thought this Show and Tell Tuesday link-up would be a great opportunity for me to introduce myself to some of you who may have found me through Instagram and whatnot and are new here!

I'm Allison. I've been married to my amazing husband Blake for almost six years, and this is where I come to write. I started this blog about a year ago after spending four years or so writing a blog strictly about the lives of our two kids, Carter (4 1/2...the half is very important), and Kate (almost 2 1/2...she already claims the half). 

I started this blog because I wanted a new place where I could feel free to write about more than just kids. I thought I'd write about my faith, recipes, fitness, budgeting, or parenting, and I do from time to time, but 2015 turned out to be a life-changing year for us as we decided to fulfill a lifelong dream and begin the adoption process.

We are now about five months into the process of bringing home a precious baby boy from China and are very close to being done with the paper chose. ALL THE PRAISE HANDS!

I am a born and raised Texas girl who has never called anywhere else home. I graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in Speech Communications and a minor in Journalism and then went on to complete my Master's in Education at SMU. I spent a life-changing year teaching precious kiddos in grades K-6 at Genesis Women's Shelter before moving out to Frisco where I taught middle school English for five more years before calling it quits in 2013 to focus on my beautiful babies.

So, that's me in a nutshell. I try to live my life with purpose and gratitude every day. Fifteen years ago, God gave me a second chance at life after I nearly lost it to anorexia. He saved my life through the intervention of an amazing doctor, and I decided in the hospital that if He wants me here, there's a reason. I don't always see His whole picture, but I trust and believe that every day is an opportunity to make an impact on my family and others. He has blessed me, an undeserving hot mess, in so many amazing ways, and I thank Him every day for the life I get to live.

Okay, so let's talk 2016 goals. I kept it short and sweet this year because anytime I make big, sweeping resolutions, I fail miserably. So here's my list: 

1) DATES - This one has been my absolute favorite so far. I want to make a point to spend 1-on-1 time with Carter, Kate, AND my husband this year. As we approach the change from a family of four to a family of five, I want to strengthen my individual relationships. I am completely and utterly convinced that the stronger my individual relationships are with each child, the stronger their sibling bond will be, and the easier this transition will be. It's going to be rocky, but if each child feels special and loved individually FIRST, my prayer is that it will be much smoother and less threatening when we add our second son. So far, I've had a date night with Blake and a movie date with Carter. Next up is girl time! :) 

2) WAKE UP BEFORE KIDS - So far, on January 5th, I've done this every day. YAY! It's a struggle, y'all. I despise mornings, so this is hard, but my outlook on the day is just better. I get my quiet "me" time before taking on the role of mom, I get to begin my day with Jesus, and I just feel better.

3) GRACE - This is my main goal this year. There are changes coming...big ones...and change is HARD. I want to give grace not only to my (almost three) children, but to myself and my husband as well. There will be jet lag, exhaustion, transitions, and we all just need to get through it and know that it'll be worth it in the end.

4) GO GET OUR CHINA BOY! Enough said. :) 

Happy Tuesday, friends! Make it a great day!  


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