Thursday, April 23, 2015

Friday Favorites: My Favorite Time of Year Edition

Happy Friday all! :) Life lately has been IN.SANE. as I have been planning Carter's upcoming birthday shenanigans, accepting my new part-time job as a preschool teacher (say WHAT?!), going in to debt (ok, not really) to attend multiple showers/birthday parties each weekend, walking around in a fog because of nightmares and teething, and just generally being behind at home and in life. BUT, I had a few quiet moments tonight, so I thought I'd go ahead and put together a short and sweet little list of three of my favorite things right now because we should celebrate the fact that we have all survived another winter, spring is here, summer is around the corner, and that all makes this snow-loathing Texas girl SO. DANG. HAPPY.  :) 

So, here we go...

I have two major weaknesses when it comes to pictures - Christmas cards and bluebonnets. I just can't say no! So, my sweet and talented friend, Kristin, took these precious pictures of my kiddos a few weekends ago, and although Kate was in a mood that day, I was so proud of Carter. He is normally TERRIBLE at photo sessions (and slammed his fingers in the car door when we first arrived), but he was not at ALL shy and he ROCKED it! I was so proud! 

 Although the stinker didn't want to smile for us, she loved playing Peekaboo!
 His desire to spike his hair could easily show up on a future Friday Favorites list...such a stud!
 "Come on, Katy!" (Carter's new thing...he calls her Katy. I die.)
 I cannot believe she's almost two!
My nuggets!
Carter was so proud of his "4" shirt, so we did a quick outfit change for the last 5 minutes, and he loved it!

2) Flip-Flops are BA-AAACK!

Although I do love me some boots, I really can't stand much else about winter attire. But give me some bright shorts, an eyelet tank, and flip flops, and I am one happy girl. Every year, I go buy a new pair of Old Navy's basic leather flip flops in a new color, and by the end of September, they are just done. This year, I went with a camel color, but in the past I've loved tortoise, gold, and white. You can't beat the price (around $15) and comfort of these babies!

3) Afternoon walks...Or should I say strolls...

Carter got a Power Wheels Jeep for Christmas this year, and every afternoon after Kate's nap, he insists on going for a drive around the neighborhood while Kate and I stroll behind him. I call this a walk very loosely because walking behind a 3-year-old who drives a toy car 1.8 miles per hour and stops at every third house to admire the dandelions is pretty much negative exercise...I actually think I would burn more calories sitting in a lawn chair...but he loves the freedom, it gets us out and about, and Kate has a little time to regroup from her nap in the stroller. (Girlfriend wakes up HANGRY from her nap most is super fun.)

Yep, I'll keep him. :) 

I hope you all are as excited to celebrate spring as we all are! :) Happy weekend everyone!


  1. 1) Bluebonnet pictures are freaking adorable! 2) Cute flip flops! 3) Madelyn normally wakes up hangry from naps too, and yes, I feel you on walking behind and/or walking with a toddler, they are so slow!


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