Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What's Up Wednesday Link-Up

 Hey there! So, I am totally stealing the "What's Up Wednesday" idea from the Mix & Match Family blog because I thought this would be a great opportunity to recap all that has been going on in our house this spring! :) So, let's go!

What We're Eating This Week...

Our menu this was not really share-worthy due to a lack of planning on my part, but my favorite recipe I'm making this week is Crockpot Chicken Tacos. Three ingredients (4 frozen chicken breasts, 1 small jar of salsa, and a taco seasoning packet), four hours on high, shred and pile on tortillas with your favorite taco toppings. DONE. Couldn't be easier. I serve it with tortilla chips and a fruit salad, and everyone is happy. :) 

What I'm Reminiscing About...

My firstborn is turning four on Sunday. FOUR. How can that be?! I blinked, and I have a little boy. I have to learn to stop blinking!!!

What I'm Loving...

My new car! A few months ago, we found out my 4Runner needed quite a bit of service that we didn't want to pay for, so we decided to scrap it and go ahead and trade it in. I got a white Chevy Traverse, and I am in love! :) 

What We've Been Up To...

Birthdays, birthdays, and more birthdays! Celebrating friends' and family members' birthdays and planning for Carter's this weekend! :)  

What I'm Dreading...

I may get blasted for this one...but I am sort of dreading summer. I am a girl who LOVES a schedule and routine, so the idea of three months where every day is different, there is no consistency, and no one goes to any kind of school FREAKS. ME. OUT. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE summer activities and traveling, but the days and weeks where we have very little going on schedule-wise stress me out. I know I should embrace it and adore the play time with the kids, and I am definitely trying to do so, but I'm just wired for routine. Anyone else like that?

 What I'm Working On...

I just wrapped up and submitted a guest post to the amazing Heather Creekmore's blog on body image called Compared to Who...I'll post it here as well, but if you don't know Heather and body image is a struggle of yours, check her out! She is currently in a series on how we can help our daughters with their body image, and I was asked to post about being intentional with the little ones. I was honored to share, and I just love her advice!

What I'm Excited About...

I have a new job! In August, I will start teaching part-time at my children's preschool, Lifepoint. I will be teaching the 3s on Tuesday/Thursday, and I am so excited to join their team!

What I'm Watching/Reading...

 My current binge-watch is Parenthood, but it is about to end because I'm almost done with Season 5 and Season 6 isn't on Netflix yet. AHHHH! I don't know what I'm going to do!! Any suggestions for me?? 
I am currently reading "Carry On, Warrior" by the wonderful Glennon Melton. I'm pretty sure we are soul mates. She is so encouraging, funny, and real. If you are a mom and looking for an uplifting read, I highly suggest it. 

What I'm Listening To...

Pandora, Pandora, and more Pandora. :) I love the variety!

What I'm Wearing...

(Am I the only one who finds this particular question kind of creepy?!! I know it's supposed to be a fashion-related question, but I can't shake the creepiness of it...I know, I'm a juvenile. Why do you think I fit in so well with eighth graders?!!) 
No comment here. Fashion has never been my strength. 

What I'm Doing This Weekend...

Celebrating my in-laws 40th anniversary on Saturday and my big 4-year old on Sunday!!! :) 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month...

Two words - LAKE. HOUSE. Although I'm dreading the travel, I cannot wait for a laid back weekend of swimming, boating, picnics, and eating my body weight in chips and dip. YES, PLEASE.

What Else is New...

Not one more thing. This list was fun, but I'm exhausted! (And if you're still reading, I'm impressed!) 

Happy Hump Day, friends!!!


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