Friday, October 16, 2015

Five Friday Favorites

Alas, my favorite day of the week. FRIDAY! TGIF! 

(Sidenote: Why are the "short" weeks always really the longest?! This phenomenon still baffles me. Four days this week that felt like ten. Oy.)

There's been a lot going on around here lately, so I thought I'd take a quick second to share a few of my favorite things from the last week...

1) The Pumpkin Village at the Dallas Arboretum

We met a few of our play group friends at the pumpkin village on Monday, and aside from the ENTIRE CITY OF DALLAS joining us for this outing, we had a great time!

 It was next to impossible to get the kids to even look at me at the same time...sigh...but we got a few decent pics and had a great morning! If you are local and get a chance to go, it's great!

 Oh, and your ID and you get in free! (My favorite price!)

This little stud muffin wanted a pumpkin to take home, so we brought him home one and he painted "himself" on it. :) Have I mentioned how much I love age four?! It is seriously the sweetest...

2) We are HALFWAY through our t-shirt Booster sales period...

and we have sold nearly 120 shirts, and raised over $2,100! Good.ness. Gracious. Not only did God show up...He's showing off! We feel so blessed to have so many cheerleaders in this process. To those who have bought shirts, shared our link, and donated, THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. If you would like to purchase one, there is still time! Click HERE to purchase! 

3) THIS.

I always knew Glennon Melton (Momastery) understood me, but now I'm convinced that she is my soul mate. This poem is everything.

4) Our Social Worker

So, I'm fairly convinced we have the best social worker in the world. She was SO sweet, so down to earth, has adopted grandchildren of her own, and just made our first home study visit quick and painless. I'll admit, I was petrified of this first visit, and I learned very quickly there was absolutely NOTHING about which to be worried. She not only put my mind at ease, but it was very clear that she had LOTS of international adoption experience, and I have no doubt she will be a huge cheerleader for us and a valued resource in the adjustment period once we are home from China. We have another visit next week...and then hopefully, we'll have that step completed and be one step closer to our son or daughter!  

5) These Two...

Okay, okay, sappy moment. Just put on your big girl panties and roll with it for a minute...

These two lately have absolutely stolen my heart. A few months ago, they really started playing TOGETHER...not just side by side, not just in the same room, but truly TOGETHER. They'll play hide and seek, they'll play store, they'll play mommy and baby (stroller pic), and they are actually having FUN together. 

Do they fight and annoy the poop out of each other, too? Of course they do; they're siblings! But they have just truly become friends the last few months, and it has absolutely taken my breath away. Love them SO.

Have a wonderful weekend! XO!



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