Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sunday Morning Praises

1) On Saturday afternoon, our sales number on our t-shirt Booster went from 99 to 105. Triple digits, baby! We are THRILLED and humbled. Approaching $1800 raised and counting...and still 20 days to go before it closes!

2) Our amazing pastor, whose sermon on Nehemiah last winter was a major catalyst for us in this whole journey, bought a shirt for himself and his wife. I mean...hey, tears and full-circle moment. You know you've found a solid church home when your pastor supports your adoption fundraiser, am I right?! 

3) We have received several direct donations from our Paypal link (underneath my bio on the right side bar); one of those donations was so generous that it will cover almost all of our immigration costs. You just can't make this stuff up, y'all.

4) All of our dossier paperwork has been shipped to our agency for them to begin notarizing, certifying, and authenticating. Halle-freakin-lujah! I now have TWO POUNDS of documents OFF MY DESK. Talk about a weight lifted! Literally! ;)

And just because it was a serious proud mama moment...

5) This cutie scored his FIRST GOAL in his soccer game yesterday! I was so proud of him! We always make a point to stress that having fun (okay, and not falling down) is the most important thing because, hello, he's FOUR, but it was SO COOL that he scored! Blake may or may not have scared a few people in the crowd with the volume of his cheering. I can neither confirm nor deny it.

And I'm ending today with a prayer request...

We have our first social worker meeting on Wednesday afternoon. I have talked with enough people to know that it's not something to be super nervous about - no white glove dust test or anything - but  I am still nervous about getting the house picked up, clean, and looking at least semi-organized this week while being followed around constantly by my tiny tornadoes sidekicks. Prayers appreciated that she likes the "lived-in" look for families! :)


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