Tuesday, October 6, 2015

No Place Like Home Fundraiser: One Week Update

I don't even really know where to start with this post. Three months into the biggest leap of faith my husband and I have ever taken, here is where we are...

Our t-shirt fundraiser has been live for one week. 

We have sold 87 shirts.

We have raised nearly $1500.


Our fundraiser doesn't even close for another 3 weeks, and we have already surpassed ALL my expectations for what this little t-shirt could do.

To say I am overwhelmed at the outpouring of support and love we've received from friends, family members, and even total strangers doesn't even scratch the surface of the feelings I have while writing those numbers down.

Some better words that come to mind are shock. Maybe awe. Maybe dumbfounded.

When Blake and I said yes to adoption earlier this year, the control freak in me wanted to have every penny of the process saved before we submitted an application. I was definitely of the belief that if you couldn't afford the process, you shouldn't be adopting. But God continued to stir in both of us over and over that we needed to trust in His provision and move more quickly, before we truly felt "ready" both emotionally and financially. (Sidebar: I don't think anyone ever feels truly "ready" to be a parent, though, am I right? Remember that moment of terror leaving the hospital with your firstborn? Remember the shock that set in when you realized that you were now solely responsible for keeping that eight-pound bundle alive? REMEMBER WHEN THEY SAID THE NURSE HAD TO STAY AT THE HOSPITAL?!!! I don't care how long you've planned for it; there's no such thing as ready when it comes to parenthood.) 

I cannot wait to be a year down the road from now so I can more fully understand why we felt such an urgency to move forward when we did. We know and trust that the details of all this were sorted out long ago, and we just continue to be amazed at the story that is unfolding before us.

To those who have supported us already, thank you. It means the world.

If you would like to purchase a shirt, please visit: www.booster.com/ezelladoption


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