Sunday, October 18, 2015

Weekend Wrap-Up: Fallelujah Edition!

At long last, it's finally feels like FALL, y'all!

It's been a while since I did a weekend wrap-up, and although this weekend wasn't super special, I took lots of pictures, so I figured why not do one now?

Saturday morning, we bundled up in our hoodies because it was 60 GLORIOUS DEGREES outside and headed to Carter's soccer game. He scored a goal for the SECOND week in a row! He has been working hard practicing in the back yard, and it showed! Last week's goal was kind of a lucky shot, but this week was actual skill. (If it's possible for a preschooler to have soccer skill...) He got a break away with the ball, dribbled down slowly to the goal, lined it up, and BAM! It was so special to share in his success. He absolutely LIT UP and just beamed with pride. I was terrible and didn't get any good soccer pics, but his excitement was still there a few hours later...

Meanwhile, these two troublemakers ate too many snacks and cheered on their big brothers. ;)

Saturday evening, Blake and I had a much overdue date night. We fed and bathed the kids before we headed out, and this guy insisted on a "bubble head" with the him.

No pics at dinner because Blake still fights me on the selfies (give it up, man...), but I did have to document the dessert. Because LOOK.

Jesus loves me, this I know, for He created THAT. :)

Sunday morning, we headed off to church and then met my in-laws, brother-in-law and niece at their church's fall festival. The kids got face paint, ate burgers, made crafts, and just had a blast together. 

This girl wouldn't hold her face still, but she did get a rainbow painted on her arm. 

And the "scary" dragon...sigh. He tries so hard to be fierce.


These three kiddos just adore each other. :) 

When we got back to my in-laws' house, my niece disappeared upstairs to go "match Kate." Ten minutes later, she reappeared in a matching dress and purple leggings! Too cute! 

Hope everyone has a wonderful week! 


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