Thursday, October 22, 2015


"The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with JOY." Psalm 126:3

Last night, we sold our 150th shirt. 

You guys.

That's INSANE.

And so, so awesome. Not awesome like cool. Like I am IN AWE.

When I originally set that goal, I intentionally chose a completely unattainable goal. My thought process was that I should choose something unrealistic so that there would always be a "need" to sell more shirts. My "one last chance" post I had all planned for October 30th would say something like, "We are 50 shirts away from our us get closer!" Yes, well. That post ain't gonna happen because our amazing community crushed the 150 goal with 10 days left in the campaign!

If I haven't said it enough yet, please know how truly humbled Blake and I both are by all of this. When we submitted our adoption application, we had absolutely no idea just how supportive and encouraging our community would be. Truthfully, I was a little bit nervous to share we were adopting because I really didn't know how people would react. If I've learned anything at all in the last three months, it's the incredible humanity that still exists in a culture that rarely shows it. The range of people who have donated to our adoption is staggering. Everyone from childhood friends to former babysitters to co-workers who met me for the first time in August have loved on and supported us, and we are just continually amazed to see just how many people want there to be one less orphan in the world. We have received donations from our pastor, our bosses, and our children's teachers. It has just truly been the coolest thing.

Sweet baby #3, I cannot wait until you are old enough to understand just how many people loved you and prayed for you before they even knew your name. Wherever you are, please know that you are a beloved child of God, and we cannot wait to show you what family means. It doesn't mean blood or biology, precious one. It is much, much more. Family means love, support, and most importantly, family means forever.

Again, we cannot say it enough...thank you, thank you, thank you! 


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